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Engaging with readers stimulating interest

Engaging with readers

I love reading articles by many different writers because every one of them has his or her own style and vocabulary. Each writer has their own way of engaging with readers. No-one writes in the same style as the next person, which to me is part of what makes us unique as human beings.

Sometimes a writer will use a word I’ve not come across. Being a wordsmith, I usually do a Google search to find out what it means! The writers I’m talking about write for newspapers and magazines. Their aim is to entertain as well as stimulate interest, engaging with the reader and capturing their attention. Good writers succeed in doing this. The best writers are those whose articles provide a pleasurable reading experience. They write well about things that interest us.

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Today is National Writing Day

National Writing Day is being celebrated on Wednesday 27th June. It aims to inspire people across the UK to discover the pleasure and power of writing.

It’s organised by First Story , the national literacy charity led by Monica Parle. They’ve been working for 10 years to show that writing can transform lives, improving people’s ability to express themselves. Amongst other activities, they bring professional writers into schools to work with students and teachers and foster creativity and communication skills.

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Writing creatively

Writing doesn’t have to be a hairy experience

A lot of people find writing a hairy experience. They look at a blank sheet of paper as though somebody suggested they jump off a cliff edge into space. The truth is that anybody can write, once they get connected with their thoughts.

To start with, type any thoughts you have relevant to a particular subject, then you’re underway! It doesn’t matter if it makes complete sense, the point is, you’ve broken the ice and have got started.

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