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Avoid email misery read emails carefully before pressing 'send'

How to avoid email misery

I expect you, like me, have received unpleasant or disagreeable emails. These emails were often sent on the spur of the moment, without thought of the hurt they might cause when the recipient read them. If only the senders of badly worded emails had thought twice about how to avoid email misery at the receiving end before pressing ‘send’.

Silent conversation

Email messages are a great way to communicate quickly, but the speed and ease with which they can be sent means they are also easily abused.  When you’re writing a report or proposal, it’s going to be checked before it gets sent anywhere. But emails are exchanges of dialogue between two or more parties. They’re like having a live conversation with someone, but it’s silent.

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Girl reading attentively

Letting Your Values Shine Through

I was at a networking meeting the other day where I heard Mike Jennings of Jennings Property give an excellent talk about values and purpose. He made the point that, at Jennings, they have been developing their core values over several years.

These values underpin what they do, how they do it and why. Their values have helped create the company’s ethos, so that they’ve evolved from being ‘just another property company’ to one that appreciates the people around them as their greatest friends and allies. Their ethos informs the way they behave with their tenants, suppliers, contractors, networking contacts, associates, partners and professionals. 

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