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Letting Your Values Shine Through

I was at a networking meeting the other day where I heard Mike Jennings of Jennings Property give an excellent talk about values and purpose. He made the point that, at Jennings, they have been developing their core values over several years.

These values underpin what they do, how they do it and why. Their values have helped create the company’s ethos, so that they’ve evolved from being ‘just another property company’ to one that appreciates the people around them as their greatest friends and allies. Their ethos informs the way they behave with their tenants, suppliers, contractors, networking contacts, associates, partners and professionals. 

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Today is National Writing Day

National Writing Day is being celebrated on Wednesday 27th June. It aims to inspire people across the UK to discover the pleasure and power of writing.

It’s organised by First Story , the national literacy charity led by Monica Parle. They’ve been working for 10 years to show that writing can transform lives, improving people’s ability to express themselves. Amongst other activities, they bring professional writers into schools to work with students and teachers and foster creativity and communication skills.

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Writing creatively

Writing doesn’t have to be a hairy experience

A lot of people find writing a hairy experience. They look at a blank sheet of paper as though somebody suggested they jump off a cliff edge into space. The truth is that anybody can write, once they get connected with their thoughts.

To start with, type any thoughts you have relevant to a particular subject, then you’re underway! It doesn’t matter if it makes complete sense, the point is, you’ve broken the ice and have got started.

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